除了严谨的学术经验, students in our 医学加速 program complete community service or relevant volunteer experience. Our students benefit from relationships that 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 has maintained with organizations throughout the metro-Atlanta area.
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Distinguish yourself for competitive medical and health professions programs through our 理学硕士 in 医学加速 program.
计划申请医学院或其他卫生专业项目? Make the most of your time with the 理学硕士 in 医学加速 program at 正规博彩十大网站排名学院.
我们的12个月(三个学期), full-time program is ideal for students with a strong academic record who seek a year of intensive graduate study before applying to health professions programs such as medical school, 医师助理, 牙科或兽医专业.
通过我们广受好评的队列模式,您将完成加速M.S. 在医学项目中 through in-person study, beginning in the summer semester. This program is designed enhance your competitiveness for postgraduate health professions programs.
Our accelerated 理学硕士 in Medical Sciences program is designed to enhance your academic record with advanced biomedical science courses. The curriculum also focuses on enhancing professional competencies for pre-health students. 此外,你将完成一个补充MCAT, GRE, 或者和你的同伴一起参加DAT考试准备课程.
You’ll benefit from a physician-designed signature course series to enhance your competitive profile; these include Professional Success in Medicine and Health and Clinical Practicum. You'll also develop your skills and complete a community service project in an Atlanta hospital, 诊所还是非营利组织.
基于医学预科课程的要求,我们的M.S. 在医学加速项目中 includes graduate-level courses in anatomy and physiology, 医学细胞生物学, 遗传学, 公共卫生和医学生物化学, 等. 你将学会:
研究生s of our medical sciences programs consistently credit our small cohort model for enhancing their learning, allowing them to develop a strong network of supportive peers and achieve success in their medical and health professions 职业生涯. Our small classes ensure that you’ll have your faculty mentors’ personalized attention and guidance as you learn.
“正规博彩十大网站排名学院 afforded me the unique opportunity to be a member of the inaugural cohort and complete an accelerated masters program at a school with a fantastic reputation for its pre-health programs. 他们为学生提供严谨课程的能力, 优质学术资源, 亲力亲为的建议使它成为我的最佳选择.——贾里德·博贝克,2024届医学速成班学生
正规博彩十大网站排名学院 and Morehouse School of Medicine are partners with a linkage agreement for medical sciences master’s students who meet specific criteria. 符合条件的学生注册全日制硕士课程, 谁从夏季学期开始, 邀请您申请与M.D. 在莫尔豪斯大学医学院获得学位.
Qualified students enrolled in this program who are committed to practicing osteopathic medicine can consider applying for the Agnes Scott and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) linkage agreement to the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.我在PCOM获得学位.
Agnes Scott Medical Sciences master's students also benefit from a linkage with the Agnes Scott 医师助理 program. Qualified students who are currently enrolled in this program will be guaranteed an interview for admission consideration, 有可能实现他们成为医师助理的目标.
在我们的M中.S. 在医学加速项目中, you’ll benefit from our team of health professions advisers as they walk with you through each step of the application process.
符合条件的学生有资格获得个性化, 详细的委员会信函,以支持您的卫生专业申请. 每封信都是针对你独特的优势和成就量身定制的. You can take advantage of this service for up to one year after you complete the program.
作为额外的福利,所有医学专业的学生都有Interfolio账户. Health professions advisers guide you through the process to store committee letters and application materials in your Interfolio Dossier, which connects directly with the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS).
除了严谨的学术经验, students in our 医学加速 program complete community service or relevant volunteer experience. Our students benefit from relationships that 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 has maintained with organizations throughout the metro-Atlanta area.
Most students in our accelerated 理学硕士 in Medical Sciences program plan to apply to medical schools and other health professions advanced programs.
作为一个学生在加速M.S. 在医学项目中, 你将完成MCAT(或GRE)考试, DAT or related) test preparation course based on the health profession you plan to pursue. Students can choose between Princeton Review or Blueprint to complete their test prep course at no additional cost.
While the primary goal of this program is to prepare you for medical school and health professions programs, 这个学位也可能有利于学生寻求其他相关途径. 你可以选择在医院工作, 医疗实践, 研究机构, 诊所, 教育社区或其他更广泛的社区设置.
*正规博彩十大网站排名学院 does not endorse a particular test preparation company; however, we have established partnerships with The Princeton Review and Blueprint in an effort to provide services to students at no cost to the student. Students enrolled in one of the participating post-bacc or medical sciences master's programs have the discretion to utilize these no-cost options or select and pay for another test preparation company of their choosing.